
Call of duty infinite warfare mech
Call of duty infinite warfare mech

If the enemies are giving you trouble, toss a Seeker-Bot inside. Find some cover, and then open up on the guards in the back. Shoot the patrolling guard as he approaches your squad. A large group of enemies congregates ahead. Stay behind your squad as they move through the laboratories. Eliminate the floating and helpless SDF guards before they can recover. Activate the hatch, and your teammate tosses an Anti-Grav Grenade through the door. Switch your NV4 scope to short-range mode by pressing the indicated Inventory button. Shoot the explosive barrel in the room to finish off any survivors. Seeker-Bots are half-robot/half-grenade, and find and attach themselves to a nearby enemy before exploding. Hit the Lethal button to deploy a Seeker-Bot. Step inside and there is a group of SDF scientists working in the lower area of the next room.

call of duty infinite warfare mech

OBJECTIVE: Find and acquire the F-SpAr energy weapon prototype. To Boost Jump, hit the Jump button then quickly press and hold the Jump button a second time. You need to complete a Boost Jump to clear the gap. More enemies are approaching from an elevator on the left. Use Aim Down Sight to target and kill any soldier patrolling at the top of the building. Crouch behind a rock when you exit out to the open area. OBJECTIVE: Gain access to UNSA R&D facility. Hit the Melee button to score your first kill! They won’t all be that easy. Towards the end of your landing, hold down the Jump button to both slow your fall and knock down the soldier at the bottom. SCARs are equipped with Booster Rigs that enable double-jumping and wall runs.įollow the team across the ice. Boost,” hold the Jump button again to slow your fall before you hit the ice. If you get too far to the left or right, large arrows will direct you back into the center. Keep your fellow SCARs in view as you free fall into the moon’s atmosphere. Hit the Jump button to dive out of the plane door. Your team’s job is to infiltrate the SDF base and secure the prototype energy weapon they have been building. You are in control of Commander Wolf, a member of an elite squad of UNSA soldiers known as SCAR Team 7. Rising ThreatĬomplete Rising Threat on any difficulty to earn this Achievement/Trophy. You can either refer to the walkthrough as you play, or come back when you get stuck in a particularly difficult section.

call of duty infinite warfare mech

Our walkthrough is written on the Veteran difficulty to ensure we catch all the tricky spots that may occur during the campaign.

call of duty infinite warfare mech

As commander of the Retribution, you will explore many locations in the solar system. The Infinite Warfare campaign takes you to places you’ve never been before in the Call of Duty universe.

call of duty infinite warfare mech

Target of Opportunity: Operation Deep ExecuteĬall of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Multiplayer Target of Opportunity: Operation Taken Dagger Single-Player > Campaign Walkthrough: Rising Threat Single-Player > Campaign Boot Camp: For First-Time Players

  • Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Multiplayer.

  • Call of duty infinite warfare mech